Colour formulas:
Primary colours:
The primary corporate spectrum below is applicable to all brand marks, including the faculty marketing brand marks.
Corporate Blue:
Pantone 2768C
Hex code: #0F204B
C:100 M:83 Y:0 K:56
R:15 G:32 B:75
Corporate Red:
Pantone 187C
Hex code: #A71930
C:8 M:100 Y:79 K:28
R:167 G:25 B:48
Cool Gray:
Pantone Cool Gray 6C
Hex code: #A7A8AA
C:16 M:11 Y:11 K:27
R:167 G:168 B:170
Cool Gray:
Pantone Cool Gray 8C
Hex code: #8B8D8E
C:32 M:17 Y:13 K:46
R:139 G:141 B:142
Pantone Black C
Hex code: #000000
C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100
R:0 G:0 B:0
Secondary colours:
The secondary colour spectrum is only relevant to the individual faculties or campus.
South Campus:
Pantone 2577C
Hex code: #9E83B7
C:40 M:54 Y:0 K:0
R:158 G:131 B:183
Qwaqwa Campus:
Pantone 354C
Hex code: #00B140
C:82 M:0 Y:90 K:0
R:0 G:177 B:64
Faculty of Law:
Pantone 193C
Hex code: #BB133E
C:2 M:100 Y:60 K:11
R:187 G:19 B:62
Faculty of Health Sciences:
Pantone 2617C
Hex code: #490E6F
C:82 M:100 Y:0 K:8
R:73 G:14 B:111
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences:
Pantone 2768C
Hex code: #0F204B
C:100 M:83 Y:0 K:56
R:15 G:32 B:75
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences:
Pantone 286C
Hex code: #0039A7
C:100 M:75 Y:0 K:0
R:0 G:57 B:167
Faculty of Education:
Pantone 329C
Hex code: #00675A
C:100 M:14 Y:60 K:52
R:0 G:103 B:90
Faculty of Theology and Religion:
Pantone 1245C
Hex code: #C69317
C:7 M:37 Y:99 K:19
R:198 G:147 B:23
Faculty of The Humanities:
Pantone 144C
Hex code: #EA8400
C:0 M:58 Y:100 K:0
R:234 G:132 B:0
Student Affairs:
Pantone 2405C
Hex code: #A40084
C:38 M:100 Y:0 K:0
R:164 G:0 B:132
UFS Staff:
Download more logos and templates on the staff intranet.
The UFS red strip must be used at the bottom of almost all communication material. This strip is used to separate the key image and message from the brand signature. It is also used to house certain contact information as illustrated below. Unlike the general graphic device, this device always appears in the same university red, regardless of university or faculty applications.
The area below the red strip is reserved for the essence of the university on the left and the UFS logo on the right.
For more information and applications of the UFS brand elements, visit the UFS Brand Identity Guidelines