University contact numbers
Write to:
Bloemfontein Campus
Qwaqwa Campus
South Campus
University of the Free State
PO Box 339
Bloemfontein 9300
South Africa |
Qwaqwa Campus
Private Bag X13
Kestell Road
9866 |
South Campus
PO Box 339
Oliver Tambo Street
9300 |
Visit us:
Bloemfontein Campus
Qwaqwa Campus
South Campus
University of the Free State
205 Nelson Mandela Drive
Park West
Bloemfontein |
Qwaqwa Campus
Kestell Road
Phuthaditjhaba |
South Campus
Oliver Tambo Street
Bloemfontein |
Maps of our campuses
Or telephone:
Bloemfontein Campus: +27 51 401 9111
Qwaqwa Campus: +27 58 718 5000
South Campus: +27 51 401 9111
For general information, e-mail: