Dr James Faber
Senior Lecturer
Private Law
CRS 201
Private Law
IB 79
Equitas Building 201

Short CV

James Thomas Faber commenced his studies at the University of the Free State in 1997 and obtained the BProc degree in 2001 and the LLB degree in 2002. In 2003 he obtained the LLM (cum laude) in Private Law for which he received Academic Honours Colours. He successfully completed the School for Legal Practice in 2002 and was admitted as an attorney in the High Court of South Africa in 2003. He was appointed to the Department of Private Law at the University of the Free State in 2007. His field of specialisation is the Law of Succession which, along with the Administration of Estates, he teaches at under- and postgraduate levels. He obtained his PhD degree at the University of the Free State in 2020 in his field of specialisation with a thesis titled: “‘n Begripsmatige beskouing van die testeerhandeling ter toeligting van testateurs-bedoeling in die Suid-Afrikaanse erfreg” (“A conceptual view of the act of testation to elucidate testators’ intention in the South African law of succession”). He has delivered papers at a number of local and international conferences and is also the author of a number of accredited research articles.


Area(s) of Interest

Private Law

Courses Presented

Undergraduate modules

  • Law of Succession and Administration of Estates (LSAE2623) – 2nd year core module
  • Specific Contracts (LSPC3723) – 3rd year core module
  • Capita Selecta from Private Law (LCSP4814) 4th year core module
  • Research Report (LTHE4804 / LRRP4800) 4th year core module

Post Graduate modules

  • Law of Succession (LPRV7920) – Master’s module




T: +27 51 401 2451
F: + 27 51 401 3043

E: law@ufs.ac.za

Equitas Building
UFS Bloemfontein Campus

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