Prof Elizabeth Snyman-Van Deventer
B.Iur., LL.B., LL.M., LL.M, LL.D. (UFS), Professor; Advocate of the High Court of South Africa
- E Snyman: "Inleidende aantekeninge oor die Noord-Atlantiese Vrye Handelsverdrag" 1998 61 Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law p284-290. (Introductory notes on the North American Free Trade Agreement).
- E Snyman: "Towards free trade: an introduction to the North American Free Trade Agreement" 1999 23(2) Journal for Juridical Science p205-219.
- E Snyman: "Die werking van die geskilbeslegtingsmeganisme in die Wêreldhandelsorganisasie as ‘n oplossing vir handelsdispute" 2001 64 (3) Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law p384-396 (The working of the dispute resolution meganisme in the World Trade Organisation as a solution for trade disputes).
- E Snyman: "Ontwikkelinge in die Amerikaanse vennootskapswetgewing: Die aanspreeklikheidsbeperkte vennootskap as ‘n nuwe ondernemingsvorm" 2001(2) Journal for Juridical Science p41-51 (Developments in the American law of partnership: the limited liability partnership as a new business enterprise).
- E Snyman-Van Deventer “Dispute resolution in NAFTA and the WTO: A useful guide for SADC” 2003 28(3) Journal for Juridical Science p112-128.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer: Die nuwe Lex Mercatoria. 2011 22(2) Stellenbosch Law Review p247-271.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer: “Student engagement: More than bells and whistles” 2019 40(1) Obiter pp1-17.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer: “The actio pro socio revisited” 2019 31(1) South African Mercantile Law Journal pp76-89.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer “Teaching South African (LLB) law students legal analysis to ensure critical thinking” 2019 44(2) Journal for Juridical Science p88-109.
- JJ Henning and E Snyman "Die regsaard van die vennootskap: die entiteitsteorie seëvier in die Amerikaanse reg" 1993 Journal for South African Law p306-310. (Legal nature of partnership: the entity theory accepted in the American law).
- JJ Henning and E Snyman "`n Beknopte geskiedenis en oorsig van die nuwe Amerikaanse vennootskapswetgewing" 1994 Journal for Juridical Science pp 60-76. (A brief history and overview of the American partnership acts).
- JJ Henning and E Snyman "Die toepassing van twee teorieë oor regsaard in die Suid-Afrikaanse en Amerikaanse Vennootskapsreg" 1995 Journal for Juridical Science pp 105-130. (The application of two theories on legal nature in the South African and American law of partnership).
- E Snyman and JJ Henning "Small business: a salutory statutory dispensation" 1996 20(2) Journal for Juridical Science p132-142.
- E Snyman and JJ Henning: "Vennootskapsregtelike remedies: `n Historiese oorsig. 1997 21(1) Journal for Juridical Science pp 149-160. (The remedies in the law of partnership. A historical overview).
- JJ Henning and E Snyman: "Revision of the law of partnership in the United States of America: a commendable precedent" 1997 114(4) South African Law Journal p 684-702.
- E Snyman and JJ Henning: "Introductory notes on limited liability companies" 1997 60 Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law p 675-682.
- J de Bruin and E Snyman: "Universele vennootskap - oplossing vir Ryland v Edros [1996] 4 All SA 557 (C)?" 1998 November SA Mercantile Law Journal pp368-372. (Universal partnership - a solution for Ryland v Edros [1996] 4 All SA 557 (C)?).
- E Snyman and JJ Henning: "The National Small Business Act, 1996 from White Paper to Statute: creating an enabling statutory environment for small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa” 1998 23(1) Journal for Juridical Science p54-74.
- E Snyman and MS Wandrag: "Inleidende aantekeninge oor die transnasionale onderneming in die internasionale reg" 1998 23(1) Journal for Juridical Science p207-223. (Introductory notes on the transnational business enterprise in the international law).
- E Snyman and JJ Henning: "Die actio pro socio as vennootskapsregtelike remedie" 199823(2) Journal for Juridical Science p20-34. (The actio pro socio as a partnership remedy).
- E Snyman and S du Toit: "Defining and evaluating plea bargaining" 2000 South African Criminal Justice Augustus/August p190-199.
- E Snyman and M Cloete: "Beskerming van internasionale beleggings: ‘n Tweesnydende swaard?”" 2000(3) Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap/Journal for Juridical Science p146-177 (Protection of international investments: a double-edged sword?).
- E Snyman and S du Toit: "Some perspectives on identifying professionalism: what is a profession and who is a professional?" 2001(3) Journal for Juridical Science p184-198.
- S du Toit and E Snyman: “Plea-bargaining in South Africa: The need for a formalised trial run” 2001(3) Journal for Juridical Science p144-157.
- E Snyman and JJ Henning: "Developments in the Anglo-American Law of Partnership: The limited liability partnership as a new form of business enterprise" 2002 (1) Journal for South African Law p 129-138
- MS Wandrag and E Snyman: "Die Multilaterale Beleggingsooreenkoms (MAI): ‘n kruispad vir internasionale beleggingsregulering" 2001(2) Journal for Juridical Science p78-91 (The Multilateral Agreement on Investment: A crossroad for regulations of international investments).
- E Snyman and JJ Henning: "The limited liability company in the USA: an innovative organizational option with lessons for South Africa " 2003 120(1) South African Law Journal p153-172.
- E Snyman and CPvM Fick “Inkwisatoriese en akkusatoriese elemente in die Amerikaanse pleitonderhandelingsproses: rigtingwyser of waarskuwingsteken?” 2002 27(1) Journal for Juridical Science 101-113.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and JH de Bruin “The dilemma of sexual harassment: a perspective on the South African and American law” 2002 Acta Academica.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and JJ Henning “Die vennootskap: goeie huweliksmaat met huwelik of konkubinaat” 2003 28(1) Journal for Juridical Science p76-96 (The partnership: suitable partner for marriage or concubinate?).
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and JJ Henning “’n Verkenning van die soorte vennootskappe in die Amerikaanse reg” 2003 28(2) Journal for Juridical Science p142-174 (An overview of the types of partnerships in American law).
- E Snyman-Van Deventer, JV du Plessis and JH de Bruin: “Seksuele teistering in die werkplek: ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief” 2004(1) Journal for Juridical Science pp28-61 (Sexual harassment in the workplace: A South African perspective).
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and JJ Henning: “Is die essentialia van die vennootskap ondergeskik aan die bedoeling van die partye? ‘n Oorsig oor die Suid-Afrikaanse reg” 2007 32(1) Journal for Juridical Science pp87-117 (Are the essentialia of partnership subordinate to the intention of the partners? An overview of South African law).
- CF Swanepoel and E Snyman-Van Deventer: “The need for a legal writing course in the South African LLB curriculum” 2012 33(1) Obiter pp121-134.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and CF Swanepoel: “Teaching South African law students (legal) writing skills” 2013 24(3) Stellenbosch Law Review pp510-527.
- CG Kilian and E Snyman-Van Deventer: “The legal implications of the economic realities of artificially manipulating a decrease/increace of earnings per share – if any” 2014 17(6) PER pp2636-2665.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and M Hauman: “Greyhound racing in South Africa: Updating an old debate with emerging “moral” standard in international law” 2015 2 Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law pp425-445.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and M Hauman: “The series limited liability company: Innovative, flexible … and complicated” 2015 40(2) Journal for Juridical Science pp24-63.
- CG Kilian and E Snyman-Van Deventer: “Claiming damages where dividends remain unpaid: A contribution towards a more balanced approach in South Africa” 2017 20 PER pp1-26.
- CG Kilian and E Snyman-Van Deventer: “To replace the Friendly Society Act 25 of 1956 with the proposed Insurance Bill 2015; a new perspective on society members’ benefit in exchange for a premium” 2017 De Jure pp281-302.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and Swanepoel CF: “Teaching the theory and skills of legal ethics to South African LLB students” 2017 38(1) Obiter pp127-146.
- T Thabane and E Snyman-Van Deventer: “Pathological corporate governance deficiencies in South Africa’s state-owned companies: A critical reflection” 2018 21 PER pp1-32.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer and L van Niekerk: “The University of the Free State Faculty of Law/Write Site intervention –Supporting broader access with the skills for success” 2018 43 (1) Journal for Juridical Science pp39-54.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer: Section 228 of the South African Companies Act – yet again?” 2005 26(8) The Company Lawyer pp258-259.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer: Access denied: A shareholder’s constitutional right to information. International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 2007.
- E Snyman-Van Deventer: Capital maintenance in South African company law keeps on changing. 2010 31(3) The Company Lawyer pp95-96.
- JJ Henning en/and E Snyman-Van Deventer: Essentialia and affectio societatis in the South African law of partnership. International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 2006.
- JJ Henning and E Snyman "Die regsaard van die vennootskap in twee stelsels: Nederland en Skotland" 1996 Corporate Law Development Series No 2 pp104-119. (The legal nature of partnership in two systems of law: The Netherlands and Scotland).
- E Snyman and JJ Henning "Small business: a new statutory dispensation" 1996 Accountancy and Finance Update Vol 1 No 2 June pp15-18.
- E Snyman and JJ Henning: "An innovative new organizational option in the USA: The limited liability company" 1998 4 Corporate Law Development Series.
- E Snyman en/and JJ Henning: "Creating an enabling statutory environment for small business" 1998 4 Corporate Law Development Series.
- E Snyman, JH de Bruin and JJ Henning “Die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg in historiese perspektief” 2003 2(1) Journal for Estate Planning Law pp1-25 (The South African trust law in historical perspective).
- E Snyman: "Basiese beginsels van die Besigheidsreg" Pretorius, Delport, Havenga, Vermaas. Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law 1994 Vol 57 p176-177.
- E Snyman: "Basiese beginsels van die Besigheidsreg" Pretorius, Delport, Havenga, Vermaas. Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law 1994 Vol 57 p176-177.
- E Snyman: "Student Case Book on Business Entities" Pretorius, Delport, Havenga, Vermaas. Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law 1996 Vol 59 p 187-188.
- E Snyman: "Handboek vir Maatskappywetgewing 1998 waarby ingesluit die Wet op Beslote Korporasies" EML Strydom (red) 1998 Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law Vol 61 p 364.
- E Snyman: "Malan on Bills of Exchange, Cheques and Promissory Notes" FR Malan en JT Pretorius. 1998 Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law 1998 Vol 61 p 362-363.
- E Snyman: "Maatskappywet 61 van 1973 en die Wet op Beslote Korporasies 69 van 1984" JT Pretorius "Handboek vir Maatskappywetgewing 1998 waarby ingesluit die Wet op Beslote Korporasies" EML Strydom. 1998 Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law Vol 61 p 542-543.
- E Snyman: "Die remedies ter beskikking van die vennote inter se." LLM (1992) University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. (Remedies available to the partners inter se).
- E Snyman: "Die regsaard van die vennootskap in die Suid-Afrikaanse en Anglo-Amerikaanse reg. `n Regsvergelykende studie" LLM (1995) University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. (The legal nature of partnership in the Anglo-American, Continental and South African law - A comparative study).
- E Snyman: "Die behoefte aan ‘n hervormende Suid-Afrikaanse vennootskapswet. ‘n Regsvergelykende studie" LLD (2001) University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. (The need for a reforming South African partnership act. A comparative studie).
- 1997 Revision of Vol 19 The law of Partnership: Revision by JJ Henning assisted by E Snyman.
- 2015 Revision of Vol 19 The law of Partnership: Revision by JJ Henning assisted by E Snyman.
- Aanspreeklikheidsbeperking van professionele persone/Limitation of liability of professionals Report to the Law Society of South Africa (TP van Reenen, E Snyman, MS Wandrag) Desember 1991/December 1991.
- Laws restricting trade in the Free State Province First Report March 1997 to the Free State Department of Trade and Industry and Economic Affairs (L de Koker and E Snyman).
- `n Algemeen magtigende Suid-Afrikaanse vennootskapswet for the Coordinating Research Institute for Corporate Law (E Snyman).
- Defining and evaluating plea bargaining: The need for a formalised trial run in South Africa. On request of the Director of Public Prosecution in the Free State (E Snyman and S du Toit) 1999.
- Research report on the implications for the possible legalisation of greyhound racing in South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. (E Snyman-Van Deventer, CF Swanepoel, JH de Bruin and HJ Moolman) 2009.
- "The Uniform Partnership Act of 1994 of the USA" Annual Congress of the Society of University Lecturers in Law, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, 24 January 1996.
- "Towards free trade: NAFTA as a guide for Southern Africa" Conference on International Economic Law, University of the North, Pietersburg, 05 May 1998.
- "Towards free trade: NAFTA as a guide for Southern Africa" Annual Congress of the Society of Lecturers in Law, Vista University, Bloemfontein, January 1999.
- "Defining a partnership in a South African Partnership Act" Annual Congress of the Society of Lecturers in Law, Vista University, Bloemfontein, January 1999.
- “Harmonising corporate law in Southern Africa - a step towards mobility in teaching corporate law.” Annual Mercantile Law Conference, University of Stellenbosch, 8 October 1999.
- "The limited liability partnership and the limited liability company: a commendable precedent for South Africa?" Annual Congress of the Society of Lecturers in Law, University of Natal, Durban, July 2000.
- "Electronic filing systems: exploring cyberspace" Annual Mercantile Law Conference, University of the Western Cape, 13 October 2000.
- "Protecting the exporter: contractual measures to reduce risk of nonperformance" Conference, Potchefstroomse University for Christian Higher Education, 3 November 2000.
- "Partnership and trusts: Goodricke v The Registrar of Deeds, Natal revisited" Annual Congress of the Society of Lecturers in Law, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, January 2002.
- "A dispute settlement mechanism for a system of economic co-operation and integration: examples from abroad" Conference on the Development of a Regulatory Framework for Economic Integration and Co-operation in SADC, Johannesburg International Airport Holiday Inn 31 May 2002.
- “Section 228 – yet again?” Annual Congress of the Southern African Society of Lecturers in Law, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 18 January 2005.
- “A South African perspective on the activities of transnational corporations in developing countries.” Annual Congress of the Southern African Society of Lecturers in Law, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, January 2005.
- “Regional trade law: Is it possible?” Conference on SADC, NEPAD and the AU: The development of a regulatory framework for economic co-operation and integration within the SADC context, Airport Holiday Inn, Johannesburg, 4 February 2005.
- “Harmonising corporate law: Did the 2007 draft Companies Bill get it all wrong or is this the shining light for all Africa to follow? Annual Congress of the Southern African Society of Lecturers in Law, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, January 2007.
- “Corporate social responsibility” Annual Conference of Society of University Law Teachers, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, January 2011.
- “The University of the Free State Faculty of Law/Write Site intervension – supporting broader access with the skills for success” Expert Session, Writing Skills in Legal Education Workshop, Somerset West, 20-21 June 2018.
- “The South African Protection of Investment Act: Creating domestic policy space in the transnational system, or “domesticating” international investment law?” Research Day, Faculty of Law, UFS, Bloemfontein, 20 September 2018.
- “The collapse of Steinhoff: a corporate governance failure?” Colloquium on Innovations in Mercantile Law: Influences of technological change and the 4th Industrial Revolution on Mercantile Law, University of the North West, Potchefstroom, 19 September 2019.
- “Lifting the corporate veil: Anything new?” Corporate and Financial Markets Law Colloquium: Rethinking the interrelationship between Corporate Law, Financial Markets and practice in the 21st century, University of the North West, Potchefstroom, 24-25 October 2019.
- "Teaching corporate insolvency" Annual Congress of the Society of Lecturers in Law, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia. July 2003.
- “Corporate harms – A South African perspective on the activities of transnational corporations in developing countries” 32nd European Studies Group Conference on Social Deviance and Justice, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 17 September 2004.
- “Skills training: Developing legal writing skills in the South African LL.B (law degree)”. 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 2 July 2013.
- “Ensuring skills development in under-prepared law students in South Africa”. 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 2 July 2013.
- “Defining blood diamonds: The Zimbabwe problem” Atiner 10th Annual International Conference on Law, Athens, Greece, 8 July 2013.
- “The failure of the Kimberley Process” First Annual International Mercantile Law Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa 6-8 November 2013.
- “Student engagement: More than bells and whistles”. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 5 July 2014.
- “A South African legal perspective on gambling and dog racing” Atiner 11th Annual International Conference on Law, Athens, Greece, 10 July 2014.
- “King III, the Companies Act and Audit committees” Second Annual International Mercantile Law Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa 5-7 November 2014.
- “Legal writing skills in the South African LL.B (law degree): to integrate or not” Commonwealth Legal Education Association, Glasgow, Scotland, 8-12 April 2015.
- “The USA limited liability company is healthy and flourishing while the South Africa close corporation is on its death bed” Third Annual International Mercantile Law Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa 4-6 November 2015.
- “Corporate governance and the failure of SOCs” Fourth Annual International Mercantile Law Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa 1-3 November 2017.
- “King IV, corporate governance and corporate collapses” Sixth Annual International Mercantile Law Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa 6-8 November 2019.
- “Graduate attributes: Teaching company law. Let’s look as an example” Sixth Annual International Mercantile Law Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa 6-8 November 2019.
Publications (Short List)
NRF focus area:
i) Trade law with focus on Law of business entities (law of partnership; corporate law; LLP and LLC); development of law on small business; transnational corporations; international trade dispute settlement, international law of sale;
ii) Legal education with a focus on legal writing and legal ethics.
Current research:
Blood diamonds (with specific focus on the problems in Zimbabwe); teaching and learning: teaching legal ethics; corporate law: Insider trading; international economic law: ethical requirements and the CISG; corporate law: the Companies Tribunal.
LLB: Law of Business Enitities
LLM: International Law of Sales; International Trade Dispute Resolution; Public Law Aspects of International Economic Law; Corporate Governance