We have identified critical research issues which are related to sustainable development and poverty alleviation in central South Africa. These “mega-questions” are of the magnitude that they will provide a point of coherence for at least 5 years at UFS.
The Focus Areas encourage:
- Interdisciplinary collaboration (often outside everyone’s “comfort zone”)
- Opportunities to learn from people in other disciplines (and to read literature which normally is not found in one’s home discipline)
- Involving postgraduate students
- Surveying existing literature before launching onto new projects!(Consulting reports, theses and published literature).
- Opportunity to link with key research localities or “knowledge hubs”
- Eastern Free State/Qwaqwa
- Graaff Reinet/Camdeboo
- Carnarvon and Williston (Square Kilometer Array Telescope)
- Gariep Dam area (meeting point of 3 Karoo provinces)
- Jagersfontein.
- Opportunities to network with people outside the university (eg. municipalities, private sector and provincial government)
- Opportunities to raise funding from other sources.
- Make policy impacts.
- The key challenge is scientific excellence. Engagement with other stakeholders may well assist us in this goal.
The Focus Areas are:
Focus area 1: Health, Wellness, and Community Resilience
Focus area 2: Economic and Regional Development (including the informal sector, SMEs, tourism, land reform, human settlements, rural-urban linkages, and municipal governance.
There are linkages between these Focus Areas. For example, health issues may well affect local economic development; and SME development may build community resilience.
- Meetings and seminars are open to staff, postgrad students and members of government or civil society
- Seminars are strongly interdisciplinary and promote collegial exchanges across departments and faculties
- Cluster grants are used to raise counter-funding by other institutions
- We encourage publications in academic journals by UFS staff
- We build our networks with government, business and civil society, by means of policy briefs, consulting, and workshops.