Prof Frikkie Booysen (Economics): New African Ideas for Development Impact: Launching an international competition to identify key technological innovations, and evaluating their impact on development.

Prof Frikkie Booysen (Economics): Effective Aids Treatment and Support in the Free State.

Prof Lochner Marais (Development Studies): Assessing Top Achievers in Local Communities. The project will utilize the expertise of Armand Kruger, an industrial psychologist, to develop the research skills of CDS researchers.)

Prof Lochner Marais, Prof Gustav Visser and Dr Daan Toerien (Development Studies and Geography): Tourism in Small Towns, with special focus on Clarens, Ladybrand, Prince Albert, Carnarvon and Williston.

Prof Lochner Marais (Development Studies): Township trade in Mangaung.

Prof Lochner Marais (Development Studies): The impact of Higher Education Institutions on development in the Free State (OECD project). (Mr Kevin Teise of the Department of Philosophy and Policy Studies in Education will be invited onto the team.)

Ms Lize Barclay (Urban and Regional Planning): Indigenous Knowledge as a basis for Local Economic Development in Resource-Poor environments.

Dr Henriette van der Berg (Psychology): Burnout in the nursing profession.

Dr Shirley Brooks (Geography): Game farms and farm workers. (Dr Blessing Karumbidza may be invited to work on the project, as a post-doc.)

Dr Doreen Atkinson (Development Studies): The relationship between commonage farmers and urban business (We will invite three students onto the project: Wynand Myburgh of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Louis de Jager of the Department of Agriculture and Robert Nyqkuwa.)

Dr Doreen Atkinson (Development Studies) with Portia Nxankane: The economic impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in the Karoo.

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