SARChI Chair in Higher Education and Human Development Research Programme
The international research group based at the SARChI Chair in Higher Education and Human Development Research Programme (HEHD) is concerned with advancing social justice and removing inequalities in and through education. We research well-being and agency formation, understood as creating worthwhile human capabilities and reducing poverty in society.
Unit for Reconciliation and Social Justice (URSJ)
The URSJ is a critical space where engaged scholarship, public discussion, community engagement, and teaching are innovatively integrated towards exploring and finding solutions to the complex and challenging work of social transformation in South Africa.
International Studies Group (ISG)
A network of postgraduate researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and academic staff.
Jonathan Edwards Centre Africa
The Jonathan Edwards Centre Africa was founded in 2009 as a result of the strategic partnership between Yale University, Jonathan Edwards Center, and the University of the Free State. In support of the efforts to increase Africans' access to quality education, they strategically partnered to empower aspiring next-generation African academic and church leaders with primary resources for research, education, and publication.
Trauma, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation Studies
The aim of the research focus on trauma, forgiveness, and reconciliation is to explore new areas of investigation in the field of trauma and its repair. The project is conceptualised as a cross-disciplinary research platform that will bring together an international group of leading scholars and practitioners in the field of trauma and forgiveness, as well as reconciliation strategies, aimed at trauma repair in the lives of individuals and societies affected by historical trauma.
Prestige Scholars Programme (PSP)
The PSP supports, accelerates, and guides recent PhDs to the professoriate. Through intensive support and mentorship, the programme focuses on the next generation of top UFS researchers.
Contact: Directorate Research Development
Physical address
Johannes Brill Building
Senate Street
Bloemfontein Campus
Postal Address
Internal Box 57
PO Box 339
T: +27 51 401 3047