One of the values that the UFS subscribes to in its Vision 130 is that innovation and impact in relation to our knowledge should contribute to the development of the province, the country, the continent, and to advance global knowledge and understanding:
“We also intend to ensure that our knowledge contributes to the development of the African continent and the Global South. We will thus foster relationships with universities and other partners to advance this. It will require an emphasis on expanding research networks to include scholars from across the world, including the African continent. The exposure to a wide diversity of approaches and cutting-edge thinking will contribute to an improvement of the work that our scholars deliver.” – UFS Vision 130
There is thus an ever-increasing awareness of the importance of collaboration and partnership building as critical components in strengthening the UFS research efforts.
The university's research collaboration efforts have experienced significant growth, both on the international and national fronts. From 2019 to 2021, the university forged partnerships with more than 2 771 international institutions, leading to an output of 3 836 co-authored publications.
Within the African context, the UFS collaboration network included a total of 345 institutions during the period 2019-2021.
The university's commitment to fostering global research networks and knowledge exchange is reflected in these collaborative efforts. By actively engaging with diverse institutions and researchers worldwide, the institution is driving innovation, expanding its research impact, and cultivating a vibrant academic community.
Office for International Affairs
At the UFS, we believe that institutional support is essential to ensure multiple and competing approaches to collaboration. The Office for International Affairs drives international cooperation, which aims to foster high-quality, productive scholarship through partnerships, networks, and coalitions with leading organisations, groups, and individuals.
The objective is to foster collaboration that promotes excellence in research and generates impactful outcomes.
For more about partnerships and cooperation, click here.
For information about joint degrees, click here
For information about our exchange opportunities (specifically the Erasmus Mundus programme), click here.
Contact me
Dr Cornelius Hagenmeier
Director: International Office
Second Floor, Theology Building, Bloemfontein Campus