
Disclosure of IP

UFS strip research

Submitting an invention disclosure is a crucial step for UFS staff, honorary appointees, and students to protect their new and useful ideas with commercial potential. It is a confidential report that describes the invention and its potential applications, helping to determine whether the IP may require some form of protection, and how it can be commercialised. This process is necessary for identifying and safeguarding the university's intellectual property, as well as sharing the benefits of commercialisation with the creators.

When should I disclose?

It is important to inform the Office for Innovation and Business Development about your IP as early as possible, ideally before sharing it with anyone outside of the university. Early disclosure reduces the risk of delaying the public disclosure of your IP, which includes presenting at conferences, publishing, or other forms of disclosure.

How do I disclose?

To disclose your intellectual property to the University of the Free State Office for Innovation and Business Development, you can complete the Invention Disclosure Form available here. This form provides a standardised way to report your invention to the university and start the process of protecting and commercialising your IP.

Process for disclosing IP


Contact me

Palesa Mgaga
Senior Officer: Intellectual Property
T: +27 51 401 2283
E: MgagaP@ufs.ac.za

Johannes Brill Building, First Floor, Bloemfontein Campus.

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